Thursday, January 12, 2012

I Heart Butter!

I just stumbled upon this very cool blog post as I was lazily pinning on my 'pintrest boards'. I don't think I've been this excited about canning in a long time! My Heart literally skipped a beat and then became all a flutter over BUTTER!
Many of my bag meal recipes require a roux (butter & flour mixture) for sauce or gravy making. I tend to buy butter 2 to 3 boxes at a time and freeze until I need to use. But I have worried about the possibility of running out or power outage being an issue if I ever have to "survive" off of our bag meals only. What if I have NO BUTTER!? I haven't tried making a roux out of powdered butter and don't know that it would really work. Nor is powdered butter suitable for spreading as you can't re-hydrate it. Powdered butter is mostly intended for baking and works great for that purpose. So how do you store spreadable butter semi long term without the need for a freezer?

She is clear that butter canning is not necessarily endorsed by any major food canning organization or regulator. The main reason for this, I've learned, is because it technically isn't considered canning when there is no water bath, steam, or pressure canner involved. Basically it isn't TRULLY processed. However, I know that juices and jams have been done this way for generations. For me, I'm willing to give it a go. LOVE THIS!


  1. Wow! I had never thought of this and didn't know you could 'can' butter. I didn't know there was powdered butter either! BUT, then I remembered that my sis-in-law moved and gave me 3 cans of canned butter. I went and looked at it. It is Red Feather brand Pure Creamery Butter and there is a website on the bottom I'm sure this is more spendy than canning it yourself. I also wonder, can you make a roux from butter flavored shortening or oil? I would guess so, although it wouldn't have quite the same flavor as butter.

  2. Haha, I clicked on the link and saw the Red Feather butter. $5 a can? Wow.

  3. Jenni! This is great information. You know I'm new at all of this and every piece of knowledge shared, helps me tremendously! I'm going to have do do some roux making experiments. Should be fun! Thanks again for sharing!
